Independent Coursework




In 2016, a 5-month long Advanced Analytics Learning Program was developed through collaboration between ZS and INSOFE to teach ZS employees, the foundational and advanced concepts of statistics, probability, machine learning, and other data science techniques and its practical applications using R.


Deep Learning

Neural Networks and Deep Learning, Improving Deep Neural Networks, Structuring Machine Learning Projects, Convolutional Neural Networks, Sequence Models 16 Weeks
CS231n | Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition Stanford 16 Lectures
FastAI Course v3 (2019) FastAI, USF 14 Lectures

Data Science

CS109: Introduction to Data Science Harvard University 15 Weeks
Introduction to Data Science University of Washington 8 Weeks
The Data Scientist’s Toolbox, Getting and Cleaning Data, R Programming, Exploratory Data Analysis, Reproducible Research, Statistical Inference, Regression Models, Practical Machine Learning, and Developing Data Products John Hopkins University 36 Weeks
The Analytics Edge MIT 12 Weeks
Introduction to Big Data with Apache Spark UC Berkeley 4 Weeks
Scalable Machine Learning UC Berkeley 4 Weeks

Machine Learning

Machine Learning Stanford 10 Weeks
Statistical Learning Stanford 10 Weeks

Data Mining

Pattern Discovery in Data Mining UIUC 4 Weeks
Mining Massive Datasets Stanford 10 Weeks

Network Science

Networks, Crowds, and Markets Cornell University 10 Weeks


‘Descriptive, ‘Probability’, and ‘Inferential’ statistics UC Berkeley 15 Weeks
Statistics 110 Harvard 35 Weeks

Game Theory

Introduction to Game Theory Yale University (OYC) 24 Lectures
Game Theory Stanford 7 Weeks
Game Theory II: Advanced Applications Stanford and UBC 6 Weeks

International School of Engineering (INSOFE)

Adjudged as “Top 10 Analytics Training Institutes in India” by Analytics India Magazine and the only institute in Asia that is certified by the prestigious Language Technologies Institute (LTI) of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), International School of Engineering (INSOFE) aims to transform the applied engineering education space in India with current focus area as Big Data Analytics / Data Science. The vision of INSOFE is to be the best place in the world for students and working professionals to learn Applied Engineering.